
This is the webpage of the “catch-up” course on R. No prior programming knowledge is required although it’s of course a big plus.

System requirements

All you need is:

Data (needed for the exercizes)


Please keep in mind that any coding that I’m doing live during the class is lost.


The exam consists in an homework, the due date is the 20th of November.

You can find the subject here.

The data can be found at this link (it’s a ZIP file containing 5 text files).

You have to upload the files on Moodle, at this link. Manually on Moodle you can find it with: Formation -> Plateforme pédagogique -> Montesquieu -> “Remédiation R, M1 IREF M1 ROAD” (the course is at: FACULTE ECO GESTION AES / MASTERS 1 / IREF).